Marina High School Home


Know Your Rights English Art

Know Your Rights: Immigration Update

We want to assure you that our schools are safe and your student is safe while they are on our campus no matter their or their parents’ immigration status.
English Kindergarten Dental Screenings

FREE Dental Health Screening for Kindergarten Students

MPUSD is offering free dental screenings for kindergarten students at Del Rey Woods Elementary School, Marina Vista Elementary Arts Academy, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School of the Arts, and Ord Terrace Elementary School.
Know Your Rights Spanish

Know Your Rights Workshop | February 5th

Obtenga conocimientos y recursos valiosos para navegar por los servicios locales y protegerse. | Gain valuable knowledge and resources to navigate local services and protect yourself.
Winter Break English

Happy Holidays | Winter Break

MPUSD will observe Winter Break December 23, 2024, through January 7, 2025. MPUSD schools ​will be closed. Students return January 8, 2025.
English High School Student Transfer Window

Student Transfer Window for High School Opens November 1, 2024

The student transfer window to transfer a child from one high school to another high school in the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District will open on November 1, 2024, and run through December 6, 2024. This applies for students in high school only.
Bus Pass Art English

Bus Passes for the 2024-2025 School Year

Register for bus passes for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year beginning July 8 with a priority for students who qualify (free). General registration open up July 22.

Recent Highlights

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Marina High School Career Technical Education

Work Based Learning:
Learning through real experience in order to
reinforce academics, promote higher- order
thinking, promote psychosocial
development, and deepen career and
workplace- related knowledge. WBL is hands
on, development of workplace or career

BSU Club visited Colleges

Students visited few colleges thru Fundraiser, San Jose State, UC Berkeley and Sacramento State. While at UC Berkeley they received a tour from one of our former Mariners (Nallely) who did an awesome job of communicating the troubles and fun of being a college freshman. Three seniors received on the spot acceptance to Sac State, and they are Jadah Gustus, Ericka Ramos and Jasyra Braxton.



Time: 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Location: Library