Reading is Key: An MPUSD Literacy Initiative This school year (2023-2024), MPUSD has doubled down on its reading efforts launching a “Reading is Key” literacy initiative focused on helping students achieve fluency in phonics to reach its reading goal.
Spring 2024 Open Houses The Monterey Peninsula Unified School District schools will open their doors to the community and host their spring 2024 open houses in April and May.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day | No School The Monterey Peninsula Unified School District and its schools will be closed on Monday, January 15, 2024, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Job Fair | September 21, 2024 We want you to join the MPUSD team! Come visit us and learn about the various non-teaching positions we have available.
Notice of Availability / Notice of Intent to Adopt: Marina High School Multi-Use Field Project NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Monterey Peninsula Unified School District (District), acting as the lead agency, has accepted and coordinated the preparation of a Draft Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (Draft IS/MND), pursuant to the requirements of CEQA Guidelines §15072, for the Marina High School Multi-Use Field Project.
Happy Holidays from Superintendent Diffenbaugh Superintendent PK Diffenbaugh wishes you a happy holiday season.
Parent Virtual Workshops MPUSD proudly partners with Effective School solutions to bring three virtual parenting workshops to families. Learn more.
September is National Suicide Prevention Month At MPUSD, we strive to ensure all students, parents, family members and staff have access to life-saving information to prevent suicide.